Saturday, November 1, 2008

So what's up, I know you are probably saying where the hell have I been. I haven't post since the last one, and yes I know I am Captain Obvious lol. I am on the borderline of a good and bad mood. So today can go either way so lets see how that turns out. The picture up there was taking by my homie Ty. Be sure to check him out on myspace. So the kid is hard at work, right now bloggin and doing my radio show that comes on every saturday from 8 am to 10 am eastern standard time. This week was ok I guess but eh yeah. So I guess I shall return later on today with an update for yall hopefully.

Enjoy your day


Anonymous said...

i like the pic :)

mars ™ said...

You like to do radio shows when people are going to bed!

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